Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good Bye Chungnam National University | 충남대학교 안녕!!

Main gate of Chungnam National University
March 30 2010 is the date of my arrival to Korea, I started my study of Korean language in Chungnam National University. And now, February 23 2011, I left Chungnam National University (CNU). Here, I would like to write something about CNU.
As a language student, I studied in Language Center of CNU. Located near by the main gate of CNU, it's a five stories building with I think a really nice lounge room, but ... most of PCs in the lounge room is not working. For Korean classes there are up to 6 level offered. From my experience some teacher are really cool and easy going, but just like a coin, there are also some teacher who a lil bit insufficient in bringing up the class to be lil bit interesting. There are also good staff who will help foreigners who need help.
CNU Language Center
Overall, CNU is a large scale university and the dormitory is really good, but then for me I am not really satisfied with the food that they provide. Since I am a muslim and I can't eat pork. Some Koreans that I know said that the fee to study in CNU is cheaper since it is one of national universities. There are also some exchange students from several countries come to CNU to study for at least 1 semester.
Anyway, I am leaving CNU, I decided to continue my bachelor study in Inha University in Incheon. Enough for CNU ... let me leave the good memories and the bad ones, too ... just there.

2011년 2월 24일

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