Monday, March 22, 2010

The Sweetness of Friendship ...

Rainur Pria, Mohammad Qasthalani, Heri Susilo ... tiga nama yang bener2 berpengaruh dalam keberhasilan ku ke Korea.
Rainur Pria --- Kenal mas Rain dari grantee CCID Indonesia setahun sebelum tahun angkatanku, nggak pernah ketemu in real life, cuman tau facebooknya aja. Mas Rain s been helping me by giving a lot of information and really ... he is a good place for questions. Without him, I'd be lost :D.
Mohammad Qasthalani - Alan. He is a sincere one. Satu team English Debate Competition Province Level in 2006 di Samarinda. We got second place, pemecah rekor STM Negeri 1 Balikpapan yg sebelumnya ga pernah sedekat ini ke kompetisi nasional. Alan udah kerja di salah satu perusahaan minyak swasta di Balikpapan. Dengan alasan beli kaset PSP dari aku, he gave me financial support, and it was really a big number of money for me :D. "Sayang kan kalo gagal ke korea cuman karena masalah tiket ke jakarta". Without him, I'd be moving nowhere.
Heri Susilo ---- Mas Heri, teman seperjuangan sewaktu di USA, bener2 punya figur seorang kakak and teman. He is in Jakarta right now and I am writing this in his place. Kerja di Trans7 ... wooooww. As you can conclude, he gives me accommodation and feeds me. Without him, I'd be homeless in Jakarta.
There they are. Truly Friends.
They might not realize the importance of what they did. Without them, I wouldn't go to Korea.
Thank you Thank you Thank you and words won't be enough.

P.S. : Of course, semuanya adalah karena berkah Allah SWT dan nggak terlepas dari doa dan bantuan orang tua dan teman2 lain.

1 comment:

  1. wuih, ada namaku di sini...special gallery ver. 2 kah? he..he...
    terima kasih ..matur nuwun...

    Cheerss :)
