Thursday, July 12, 2012

Comic Music Show: Wedding

Wedding is really lack of story. Even more, there are several things that do not go with the concept of this performance, which is wedding. For instance, the magic show in the middle of the show. It really has no relation with wedding itself. I would say that this performance is more like a talent show. Everyone seems to have talent in playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, and of course, acting. Those are the plus points of this performance. I really enjoyed them playing variety of musical instruments. One person might be capable of playing several musical instruments, beside singing, dancing, and acting. I was even more interested in them showing their talents rather than following the story.
Basically, the story is just about a couple having their wedding party. The father of the bride did not agree with the wedding but the couple kept on trying to convince him. The show went on along with some unrelated scenes even though they were pretty entertaining. There was one scene when a male stripper came and took off his pants and showed his glittery red underwear. Everybody was shocked and screaming. The stripper turned out to be a gay and fell in love with the event organizer guy. I will save the rest of the story for you to watch it by yourselves. I know that you can guess the end of the story.
The stage
Regarding the place of the performance, it is pretty difficult to find. There are many buildings around it and it is such a hard-to-be-seen type of place. Also, there is another performance with really similar name and I was mistakenly going to go for that one. The room is very small, which I like it very much. I always thing that small room for performance really gives some sort of private and exclusive kind of feeling. The stage, though, is not really eye-catchy, or maybe it is just me.
Overall, I did not quite enjoy the story but on the other hand, their talents, the comedy, and all the surprises were really entertaining. Plus, they put gay couple in the performance which I think ... come on, it is Korea. I think it is a good thing because it gives the audience the feeling that they are also open-minded. Worth watching? Me: Yeah, you?

Me and the couple

angga | 앙가

More information:
About Wedding (Korean page)
Ticket (Korean page)

PS: Special thanks to Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) for the 2 tickets!

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