Wednesday, October 20, 2010

첫날밤 [CheotNalPam] | Wedding Night ala Traditional Korea

This was actually a draft of my post about making bulgogi, but then today I had a really interesting class with my really really interesting teacher, so I decided to change this post.
Did you guys married? or have u ever got married? If you did, or you have, I am totally sure (except if you are really really weird couple) that you have experienced what people call "Wedding Night" ... tadaaaaa ... yeah, even though I have never experienced that, but I am pretty sure it is something special and maybe for some people it is something .... you can say .... exciting? hahah maybe nervous is a suitable word.
Why did I start my post with this topic? hahah yes ... this one in a million teacher unexpectedly gave us this sheet of paper with a picture on it. It was not the picture that I put at the top of this post, but it was similar. Yeah it was a picture of a guy who is taking off his wife's clothes :). I was really surprised when she asked us what is written on that picture, and it was written "첫날밤". At the first time I saw the picture, I thought it was like something about Hanbok, but then when I realized what that writing means, I was like ... really? and why? hahaha it was really something ... unusual :).
The main purpose of this picture was actually to teach us of a kind of grammar in Korean Language, but then what made me more interested was actually the story of this picture ... the way of Korean do the wedding night a long time ago.
So, the traditional way of wedding night of Korea is a new knowledge for me. At the wedding night, the wife actually doesn't have to do anything, she just need to stay calm. The husband than feed her with the food and give her drink, and she still just need to stay calm and doesn't do anything. And after eating and drinking, the husband than will start to take off the clothes or whatever on his wife. Starting from 족두리 [Jokturi] which is a kind of accessory on the wife's hair. He take off the Jokturi and the girl just need to stay still, without doing anything. And of course ... oh yeah I forgot to mention they wear a kind of traditional clothes, maybe wedding dress. So, the guy then take off her clothes and after that he take off her 버선 [BeoSeon] Traditional footwear. And then ...... you know what happen hahah. Anyway, who take off husband's clothes then? I guess the husband does that by him self ... I am not sure, I am going to ask my teacher though. hahah
Isn't that interesting :) But, my teacher told me that nowadays in Korea, people don't really do wedding night the same way as the traditional one ... hmm why not? hahahah
so ... you guys wanna share your wedding night story? I guess some of you will -even only a really small- smile when you remember your wedding night ... ^^ well ... I guess its the sweetness of life =]

*** so this pretty lady who is the first one who commented on this post added that -in Indonesian language- if the husband does not enter the wedding night room, the girl is just going to stay there, waiting for him to come, she will not go anywhere or do anything. If the husband really doesn't come, then she's been left. Sad story, but her professor said that there were some case like that.
Thanks Mba Mutia :)

October 20, 2010

-- I have midterm test tomorrow ... and I seriously did not study.


  1. ngga, sama! minggu lalu di kelas cultural life in korea, gw belajar ttg tradisi ini. haha
    dan klo si suami ga dateng2 ke kamar buat bukain bajunya, si istri akan tetap bersimpuh di dekat pintu untuk menunggu suaminya sampe dateng.

    klo suaminya ga dateng2 berati udah ditinggal pergi. haha, kasian ya klo gt. tp ada loh case kya gitu kata prof gw.

  2. hahahahha =) I didn't know that. I know that traditionally we don't use light during the first night.

  3. I have several questions about your experience in Korea and I've sent you an email. Hope you can get back to it if you have the time :)

    - Adnya Sarasmita
