Sunday, August 1, 2010

East Coast Tour -- 울릉도 Ulleung Island -- 봉래폭포 Bongrae Waterfall

Second day of the journey, we went to Ulleung Island. We departed from Mukho port in Donghae and it took about 3 hours to get to Ulleung Island. And if you have problem with the sea, I strongly recommend you to eat the medicine before boarding.

Here we are, welcome to Ulleung-do. Once I get off the ship, the wind was very strong and the weather was kind of cloudy, I thought it was going to rain, but then there was no rain until the end of the day. There were some Ulleung-do teenagers were dancing, I thought it was some kind of welcome dance (maybe it was), but then I realized that there was a event called 2010 회당문화축제 [Hwetang Munhwa Chukje]. I asked my friend and she said it is some kind of Buddhism event. Anyway, I will write the complete report later.
What I noticed in this Island is that there were a lot of visitors and birds (Seagull) and I heard that it is very famous of its squid (and I saw a squid statue and I was like "maybe it's right"). The smell was really like an island (does anyone know how the island smells like? I do!!) and Ulleung Island is a mountainous island, I saw so many high cliffs and it's pretty amazing.

So, the first place we went to is a waterfall called Bongrae. I love waterfalls, I do. In this time, I want to compare some waterfalls I have been visited. To reach Bongrae waterfalls, we had to walk (read: hike) kind of far, but I already knew this because every waterfall that I visited, I always had to walk very far, yet I have never regretted it =]. On the way to the waterfall, I stopped by a kind of cave, and it was really really chilly inside the cave, there was a hole which flows very cool wind.
The cool winds flows from this hole
And then, after walking and walking, there was a bridge and there it was, the Bongrae waterfall. Bongrae waterfall is mentioned as the only source of water in the island (alright, maybe I am wrong ㅋ).
봉래폭포 Bongrae Waterfall
Alright, to be honest ... I am not really so amazed with Bongrae waterfall, because I have seen a lot of better waterfalls. But since Bongrae is still worth visiting =], at least as my waterfalls collection (what?!). Here are some waterfall I have visited, they are awesome =].
Bantimurung Waterfall, Makassar, Indonesia
One of Falls in Great Smoky Mountain, TN, USA

Ruby Falls -- Waterfall inside a cave, TN, USA
Niagara Falls, USA
From all those awesome waterfalls, I think Niagara falls is the best =].
Write again later =].

More pictures here.

August 1 2010

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